The OCP China Day, hosted by one OCP Platinum member, Inspur.The topics of this conference will cover various cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, edge computing, and SONiC. During the one-day conference, you will have the opportunity to meet with senior experts from the OCP leadership team face-to-face to get the latest developments in the field of open hardware. The leading companies include Microsoft, Facebook, Baidu, Tencent and Inspur. They will share the innovative practices of OCP technology with you. The 600㎡ exhibition area will let you experience the OCP open software and hardware solutions on site.
OCP是全球最大的开放计算社区,在业内具有广泛而深入的影响。OCP CHINA DAY聚焦人工智能、边缘计算、Sonic等前沿技术话题,展现OCP技术的创新实践,会议邀请Facebook、LinkedIn、微软、百度、腾讯、阿里、浪潮等领袖企业的30+位资深专家,面对面分享开放计算领域的最新进展。现场更有OCP开放软硬件前沿产品邀您体验!